================================================================================ CyBroIexLoader version history ================================================================================ legend: + - new feature * - change/update ! - bug fix ? - known issue -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.1.0, 6.3.2015, Ivica - Auto select new nad option removed. + Also write serial option to write new nad also as serial added. * Updated list of IEX-2 devices. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.9, 23.5.2014, Ivica ! Nad automatic increment fixed. ! When nad is changed, exit boot now waits for status messages from the new nad. ! Timing problems with new P-CAN driver. * New card id file format. * Updated list of IEX-2 devices. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.8, 4.6.2013, Ivica * New driver that supports Windows Vista and newer. * Updated list of IEX-2 devices. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.7, 29.10.2012, Ivica ! Baud rate selection of speeds higher than 100K didn't work properly. + Added button to connect/disconnect from CAN bus on demand. * Updated list of IEX-2 devices. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.6, 21.5.2012, Ivica + Added baud rate selection (to support new bootloader). ! Send button was sometimes disabled when it shouldn't be. ! Send NAD button was sometimes disabled when it shouln't be. * Updated list of IEX-2 devices. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.5, 31.3.2011, Ivica * Added button to send only new nad to iex device. * Adapted to work with new bootloader (v1.2). Added command to erase serial number (set new nad to -1). Added command to revert iex nad to serial number (iex SPLIT command, set new nad to 0). + Added "Auto select new" option to automatically select new nad iex device. * Minor user interface adjustments. * Updated list of IEX-2 devices. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.4, 25.5.2010, Ivica ! Sometimes device was programmed with corrupt card_id. * Removed support for hex files with start address > 0. * Pcan dongle dll removed. * Date format changed from local to international date format. * Updated list of IEX-2 devices. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.3, 6.7.2009, Ivica + Logger for raw CAN messages. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.2, 23.12.2008, Ivica + List of supported card IDs moved to "IEX Loader.ini" file. + Support for parameter (config) hex files, with start address > 0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.1, 1.9.2008, Ivica + Added "always on top" checkbox. + It is now possible to change the IEX-2 address (NAD) without sending file. * Updated the list of IEX-2 devices. * Communication routines are now faster. * Bootloader exit timeout increased by 1 sec. ! "Date format is not compatible..." warning removed. ! Canceling send process caused access violation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.0, 7.3.2008, Ivica * New GUI. + Added reading and saving program from IEX module. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1, 6.3.2008, Ivica + Device info. ! Exit bootloader is now ok. + Warning for version older than -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.0, 5.3.2008, Ivica ? Exit bootloader sometimes display error for normally programmed devices. + First release. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------