================================================================================ SC-4-IQ version history ================================================================================ legend: + - new feature * - change/update ! - bug fix ? - known issue -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hardware model:    OP-6    OP-6    SC-4T   SW-W3                    v1.0    v1.3    v1.0    v1.0                    v1.1    v1.4                    v1.2 v340x               -       -       +       + v320x               +       -       -       + --------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.4.0.3, 6.4.2012, Davor * IEX stack now handles full 21-bit address. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.4.0.2, 16.2.2021, Davor * LED dimming is implemented on SC-4S-IQ ("lightness_night" parameter). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.4.0.1, 3.5.2019, Davor ! Led indicator response was delayed. * Keypad layout 5..0 changed to 0..5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.4.0.0, 22.4.2019, Davor * New mode of operation, internal scene control removed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.3.0.3, 27.10.2016, Davor ! Faulty behavior because plc_vars was not received with qx bits from dimmers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.3.0.2, 8.4.2016, Davor * "Scene comunication" with CyBro changed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.3.0.1, 29.3.2016, Davor * New touch buttons position definition. * Predefined IR fuctionality is no more available. ! Blinds shortpress sporadically ignored. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.3.0.0, 8.3.2016, Davor + New hardware SC-4T, OP-6 is not supported any more. + Direct control of outputs (configurable) added. ! Aa works with nads<1000 also. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.2.0.2, 8.12.2015, Davor * On/off (Qx) functionality completely removed from control of LD-s, so light dimmers are controlled by qw-return values only (0..100). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.2.0.1, 1.11.2015, Davor * Startup code reorganized. * Autoadresing signalization removed. * Periodic returns added. + Firmware version and card id are added to variables. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.2.0.0, 17.6.2015, Davor * Backlight, subtractive scene and additive scene configuration removed. * Scene memorizing longpress changed to 1s. + Hardware autodetect between v1.3 and earlier added. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.1.0.1, 17.4.2015, Davor * Longpress forced enabled. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.1.0.0, Davor * Controllers presence made dependable on NAD-s rather then on card-ids. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.1.1, 27.2.2015, Davor * Non-recognizing LD-D8-IQ modules bug solved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.1.0, Davor + Configuration control added. + Dynamic modules detection added. + Scene memorizing from CyBro added - new cym. * Memorizing and initialization of all parameters moved to module. * LC-D8 specific functionality removed. * Autoaddressing start changed to activate on self nad greather than 1000, but only if any other then SC-4-IQ module exists on the iex bus. * Up to 10 modules autoaddressing. * Scenes public id scope changed from 1-4 to 0-3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.0.6, 24.10.2014, Davor * Autoaddressing start changed to activate on self nad greather than 1000, but only if any other then SC-4-IQ module exists on the iex bus. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.0.5, 17.3.2014, Davor + Led dimming and IR beep enable added. * No beep on pushbuttons. * IR beeps for commands with address 18 only. * Beeper frequency changed to 2kHz. * Set scene with delay not more available. * Longpress time constants changed. * IQ modules base address changed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.0.4, 2.12.2013, Davor * Changed offset of the set_scene iex command from 16 to 0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.0.3, 24.11.2013, Davor * Inverse scene functionality added to scene set commands from cybro. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.0.2, 22.1.2013, Davor * Inverse scene functionality changed to: set all values to zero. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.0.1, 2.9.2013, Davor + Multiplatform, for SW-W3 and OP-6 hardware. + IR functionality added. + Max. of 4 any devices in the system. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.0.0, 13.08.2013, Davor + Internal release. For SW-W3 hardvare only. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------