CyBroMiniScada (c) 2011-2019 Cybrotech Ltd.
CyBroMiniScada is visualization system for Cybro controllers. It can be used
for industry, solar plants, building management, home automation, or any other
application where Cybro controllers are used. Both Cybro-2 and Cybro-3 are
Function and appearance are defined by xml configuration file, and external
images. Configuration (config.xml) is a standard text file in xml format.
Images are standard graphic files in png or jpg format. Png transparency is
fully suported.
Both local (phone---cybro) and internet (phone---server---cybro) connection
is supported. Local connection is always available. Internet connection is
based on a secure server which is not available for public access. To check
the commercial options, please contact your sales agent.
When app is installed, default configuration is automatically activated. To
check other examples, follow instructions on Play store. Each configuration
can also be downloaded to PC, to learn how the given function is realized.
To control your local Cybro controller, simple demo application is available.
To start demo, follow the instructions:
- set alias address to 1000
- send empty program
Mini Scada for Android
- read from "www.cybrotech.com" configuration "landemo"
- set Home Network to "Any SSID"
To edit configuration file with your phone, install some text editor and open:
For a more advanced development, the recommended toolchain is:
- use PC to create xml and graphic files
- use Mini Scada for Windows to position objects
- rename CyBroMiniScada.xml to config.xml, modify for Android
- copy configuration to your phone
To distribute your configuration, zip all files (without directory), and upload
to your server download directory. Here is an example:
- configuration: solar.zip
- server address: www.solar-cybro.com
- file location on server: /home/users/cybrotech/data/solar.zip
- download URL for browser: http://www.solar-cybro.com/data/solar.zip
- download with mini scada: www.solar-cybro.com, solar
Note that configuration name is entered without ".zip" extension.
Page is a basic unit of organization. It can be rendered in canvas or list mode.
Canvas mode: graphical screen, position of each object is specified by x and y
coordinates. Canvas is always displayed full screen. It may keep aspect ratio
(keep), or stretch in both directions (fill). Icon and description tags are not
List mode: scrollable list of objects. Icon is displayed to the left, then name
and description, and value to the right. If description tag is not specified,
variable description from plc program is used.
Page rendering, size and background can be defined on root level or page level.
Page level has precedence.
Page to page transition is performed by sliding left-right, or using menu system
based on "page" action. Both methods are available in list and canvas mode.
Each object may have a name and description.
Total powerreactive
In canvas mode, name is aligned to the body:
| top |
| |
left|inner-l center/middle inner-r|right
| |
| bottom |
In list mode, each object may also have an icon, aligned to the left:
List of available objects
Bitmap - display a static bitmap (canvas mode only).
Coordinates are defined in canvas pixels, relative to top left.
Bitlist - display one of specified bitmaps, depending on variable value.
Button - display button used to trigger an action.
Text - display static text, dynamic text and decimal numbers.
Bargraph - display bargraph and value. Minimum and maximum are related to
actual variable content, not displayed value.
Spacer - static spacer between groups (list mode only).
Events and actions
Default function of an object is to display a value. With events and actions,
object can also change variables, or execute an additional task. Each object
may contain multiple events, each event may contain multiple actions.
Available events:
Available actions:
Write - write a single value
Toggle - toggle between specified values
Increment - increment/decrement by a specified value
Combo - popup dialog, list of specified options
Incdec - popup dialog, +/- buttons to change value
Slider - popup dialog, linear slider to change value
Knob - popup dialog, rotational slider to change value
Decimal - popup dialog, numeric keypad to enter value
Tag has fthe following function:
0: dialog has "Ok"/"Cancel" buttons, value is written when Ok is pressed
1: dialog has "Close" button, value is written immediately with each change
Page - jump to a page referenced by page name
Link - open a specified URL
Link can specify an IP camera stream, or an web application of choice. It can
also be used to directly trigger an action within a web application.
Command - start a specified app
App is specified by package name and optional activity name. To get the name,
open Android settings, apps, running, and check for process name. Another method
is to open Play store, navigate to application, then check id within URL. When
activity is empty, default is executed. List of available activities can be
obtained from internet activity dbase, by a specialized application, or directly
from the develper.
Windows/Android differences
Android version supports, Windows not
- connection over internet
- automatic switching LAN/WAN
- list rendering mode
- spacer object
- support for jpg images
- page background color
- link action
- custom help file
Windows version supports, Android not
- fullscreen, setresolution, closetotray, showhints
- imagedir (separate directory for image files)
- direct (ethernet connection using limited broadcast)
- timeout, retrycount (communication parameters)
- verbose (error log file)
- bitevent (event executed when variable is changed)
- pageindex (current page indicator)
- editenable, gridsize (page editor, ctrl E)
- style definitions
- template definitions
- password-protected page
- led object
- slider object
- gauge object
- bittable object
- timeplot object
- alarmtable object
- thermostat object
- fan-coil object
- weather object
- webbox object
- statustale object
- template object
- text object tag
- keypad action
- blankscreen action
- editmode action
- exit action