================================================================================ CyBroMiniScada version history ================================================================================ legend: + - new feature * - change/update ! - bug fix ? - known issue - - deleted feature -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.4.4, 9.7.2019, Ivica + Jump to a specified page when communication is lost (timeoutpage). + Periodically set a variable to allow controller to check that scada is alive. + Autodetect script (CyBroAutodetect.wsf), added option to specify xml file. * Examples updated and modernized, each example now features autodetect. * When closetotray is 1, left click on tray icon now open and close main window. - Statustable object, CAN column is removed ? Weather service is currently not available. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.4.3, 10.10.2018, Damir * Compatibility with Cybro-2 and Cybro-3 controllers. * Autodetect script, same file is now used in all examples (check Readme.txt). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.4.2, 8.9.2015, Zdravko * Licencing and Cybrotech logo removed. + New tag in XML sets application caption. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.4.1, 26.8.2015, Zdravko * New instance won't be started when closetotray==1 and scada with same configuration file is already running. ! Windows shutdown was prevented while the application was running. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.4.0, 22.1.2015, Ivica * XML syntax for actions changed, here is a list of non-compatible changes: * <type>incdec</type> --> <type>increment</type> * <type>keypad</type> <format>incdec</format> --> <type>incdec</type> * <type>keypad</type> <format>decimal</format> --> <type>decimal</type> * <type>keypad</type> <format>alphanumeric</format> --> <type>keypad</type> * <shortrepeat> event not supported any more + New pop-up actions: + <type>combo</type>, list of specified options + <type>slider</type>, linear slider changes value + <type>knob</type>, rotational knob changes value + <direct> tag is now available for all pop-up actions + Editor improvements: + drag-and-drop multiselection + lock/unlock object (right click or <lock> tag) * Button object behaviour changed, press-move-release won't activate the action. * Bittable behaviour changed, drag-and-drop now paints the unchanged value. + Option to remove page from navigation (menu tag), accessable with <page> action. + Global setting <closetotray> added, prevent closing app when timeplot is used. + An optional beep added to <longpress> event. ! Timeplot object displayed incorrectly between 22-24h. + UtilScript.wsf for cybro autodetect and other xml self-modifications. + New global tag <verbose> to control log file volume (default is 1). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.3.8, 22.5.2014, Ivica ! Editing template object corrupted xml file (introduced in v1.3.7). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.3.7, 17.3.2014, Ivica + New objects: slider and bittable. + Edit mode, object rename added. + Action "command", new parameter for waiting external application to exit. * CPU consumption reduced by optimized object update. * Specification of <bitevent> changes, event is now triggered on any change. * Hints, added option to display only first variable. ! Timeplot object, tag <alias> of was converted to lower case letters. ! Scrollbar behaviour corrected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.3.6, 9.10.2013, Ivica + New root tag <bitevent>, produce event when variable changes. + New root tag <scanperiod>, adjust scada cycle time in milliseconds. + New example, SunTracker. + Library, new symbols added. * Hints displayed longer. * Root tag <directconnection> changed to <direct>. + Offline mode added to edit pages without actual controllers. ! Edit mode, object movement was limited by window size. ! Inc/dec keypad object locked values into 0.2-0.5 range. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.3.5, 14.5.2012, Ivica ! Fixed a few memory leaks. ! Bargraph object was missing a border and gradient background. * Browser object is now disabled if not on active page. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.3.4, 26.3.2012 * Bargraph performance drastically improved. + New tag <alias> in timeplot object to display custom text in graph legend. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.3.3, 22.12.2011 + Hints showing variable name and description for each object. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.3.2, 3.8.2011 ! Bitmap and bitlist objects disappeared after moving off the screen. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.3.1, 2.8.2011 * Text object can now be rotated. * Color tag now supports #RRGGBB format. ! Text object, sometimes text appeared cropped. ! Unzipping alc file wasn't working on Embedded Windows. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.3.0, 21.5.2011 + New Example set. + Unicode support. + New "timeplot" object displays CyBro variables graphically. + New "alarmtable" object displays a list of alarms/events. + New "licence" and "project" tags for licensing purposes. + New "pageindex" tag to switch current scada page from CyBro. * New alphanumeric touchscreen keypad. * Minor optimizations and bugfixes. * Gauge and led objects now support transparency (just remove background tag). ! Scada reload didn't reload images. ! Clicking outside objects deselected objects even when ctrl key was pressed. ! Clicking the same object while holding ctrl key didn't toggle object's selection state. ! Led object sometimes appeared with wrong width. ! Led object, maximum value wasn't properly calculated when decimal point was included (e.g. 99.00 instead of 99.99). ! Gauge object, unit wasn't displayed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.2.1, internal release * New parser loads XML file much faster. * Number of memory and speed optimizations. * Number of objects was limited to 10000, now is practically unlimited. + New "webbox" object displays web content inside scada window. + New "weather" object displays weather information and forecast. + New "blankscreen" action for screen cleaning. + New "options" tag to disable unused thermostat/fan-coil/status features. + New "timeout" and "retrycount" tags for adjusting to slow network. + Added "roundtrip" column in statustable object. + When edit mode is active, variable name is displayed as a hint. * Scrollbars appear when scada window is bigger than screen size. ! Edit mode, mouse move now works the same as keyboard move. ! Image folder was relative to CyBroMiniScada.exe, now is relative to xml. ! Page actions with plc variables were not functioning. ! Sometimes an odd-sized PNG file caused parsing problems. ! Templates didn't support localized characters. ! Thermostat advanced mode sometimes messed up active and idle setpoints. ! Win7, pressing Alt caused some thermostat/fan-coil captions to dissappear. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.2, 1.10.2010 + Template support. + New action, "page" to jump to selected scada page. + Navigation enable tag. * Reordered '+' and '-' buttons in some controls. ! Transparent buttons not displaying properly when pressed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1, 30.4.2010 ! Edit mode caused one unneccessary reload. ! Rare access violation error during xml update. ! Led object, displaying negative values wasn't working. ! Led object, width calculation ignored a decimal point. ! CyBro variables was case-sensitive. ! Monitor refresh rate was forced to 60Hz after exit. * Default styles changed. * Specification of dedicated objects had some changes. * Button is now animated with mouse click. * Default object position moved not to colide with Cybrotech logo. * Corected fan-coil enable/disable action. * Symbol library. + Action for reading/writing strings. + Ctrl-R for forced reload, when a bitmap is changed. + Events and action can now be applied to any object. + New tag <reverse> to rotate bargraph 180 degrees. + New tags <ledcolor>, <gaugecolor> and <barcolor>. + Navigation object is not displayed when only one page exist. * Variables are now updated only on current page. * Pacman demo not included in release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.0, 5.3.2010 + First public release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.5, 19.11.2009 + Alpha release for internal testing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------