=========================================================================== Com-REF version history =========================================================================== legend: + - new feature * - change/update ! - bug fix ? - known issue --------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.0.3, Davor * Separate buffers provided in CAN-uc for incoming can messages. * Serial tx in CAN-uC delayed 3 ms for non ineracting with can reception. ! Non initialized CANIDT2 bug fixed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.0.2, Davor * Returned to common buffer in CAN-uc for incoming can messages. * Com_error added in Iex-uc. New cym! ! Overwriting incoming can messages bug in Iex-uc fixed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.0.1, Davor + Separate buffers are provided in CAN-uc for each incoming can message type. + Sw com&can wdog commented in CAN-uc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.0.0, Davor + The first release. ? Sw com&can wdog commented in Iex-uc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------