================================================================================ CyBroWebScada version history ================================================================================ legend: + - new feature * - change/update ! - bug fix ? - known issue - - deleted feature written for Python 2.6 version: app\solar_cybro\project\version.py, app\scgi_server\src\const.py -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1.10 + 2.3.0, 27.1.2017, 3-Port ! Incorrect monthly calculation in the annual cumulative graph. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1.9 + 2.3.0, 27.3.2015, 3-Port * Performance improvements. ! Push timeout was not working. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1.9 + 2.2.8, 2.2.2014, 3-Port ! Asia/Kolkata (UTC+05:30) added to list of available time zones. ! Plant administrator can now set his own homepages (for email reports). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1.8 + 2.2.8, 27.1.2014, 3-Port ! Timeplot was not working with Explorer 10/11, random added to request URL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1.7 + 2.2.8, 30.12.2013, 3-Port + Hrvoje ! Communication with controllers in local network is now working fine. ! Timeplot data download (CSV file) changed from local time to UTC. + New parameter CSV_EXPORT_CHARSET to define CSV encoding. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1.6 + 2.2.7, 20.8.2013, 3-Port * Cumulative timeplot, missing samples are recovered using interpolation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1.5 + 2.2.7, 28.7.2013, Hrvoje * File scgi_server.ini is now optional, default parameters are in sys_config.py. * Reading sys.nad_list system tag is now performing autodetect. ! When timeout expires, controller is now removed from push list. + Option to disable push server, parameter PushEnable in sys_config.py. ! When ReadAllocAfterPush=False, alc file download is corrected. * Push acknowledge address removed from configuration file. ! When asking for an unexisting controller, error_code=3 is now returned. ! When scgi_server.ini contains nonempty content, server was unable to startup. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1.5 + 2.2.6a, 3.5.2013, 3-Port * Object definition changes: --> (all objects) --> (alarm_list) --> (decimal, toggle, incdec, submit) string --> decimal (string/decimal) + New objects, bitlist and textlist. + New features: reporting engine and mailer, currently only for alarms/events. * Timeplot, legend replacement labels and units added. * Timezone definition moved from scgi_server.ini to plant properties. * All datetime records (measurements, alarms) converted to GMT, display engine actualy converts them to plant timezone. * Database structure changed, supplied sql script must be used for upgrade. * Crontab line should be added to activate reporting engine. ! Timeplot, measurements in bad format are now ignored (before graph failed). ! Timeplot initialization failed for month/year (v1.1.4a). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1.4 + 2.2.6, 10.9.2012, Damir (v1.1.2a + 2.4.4 and v1.1.3 + 2.2.5 merged) * Mozilla/webkit border-radius replaced with standard html (core.css & page.css). ! Scgi server, reading alc file fails if ID column contain hex digits (from 1.2.2a). ! Get available controller list (controller.py), zero changed to None (NULL). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1.3 + 2.2.5, 1.3.2012, Eden (based on v1.1.2 + 2.4.4) ! If timeplot contains no variables, legend is now empty. ! When timeplot has no variables, legend contained colored square and questionmark. ! View database info now displays real size, together with indexes. ! TransactionId is on by default. ! Timeplot was not working with IE9 (jquery updated). ! Push list, date/time should be displayed in server time zone. ! SCGI asked for unexisting controller caused "Internal Server Error" ! SCGI server v2.2.4 was not working in local network. ! For LocalAccess=True, limited broadcast ( is replaced with subnet broadcast ( + Added new configuration option BroadcastAddress (sys_config.py). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1.2a + 2.4.4, 5.4.2012, Damir ! Scgi server, reading alc file fails if ID column contain hex digits. * Defaults in sys_config.py changed to more safe values. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1.2 + 2.4.4, 19.6.2011, Eden + Custom.css file is now used for custom style changes. * Global/local settings are now split to settings.py and settings_local.py. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1.1 + 2.2.4, 27.5.2011, Eden + TransactionId implemented. * Number of small bugs and fixes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1.0 + 2.2.4, 15.11.2010, Eden * Relay server, remote control of connected controllers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.0.0 + 2.2.2, 17.10.2010, Eden * Completely rewritten in Python 2.6. + Data logger, graph and alarms/events object. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.8.4, 19.3.2010, DavorS * Main menu shows links to siblings if current node has no childs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.8.3, 8.3.2010, SasaM * Page.php, port number was not propagated properly. + Default base structure added. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.8.2, 16.10.2009, Damir * Number object -> string object. * Adjusted for SCGI server. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.8.1, 7.9.2009, Damir * A number of smaller changes and debugging. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.8.0, 8.6.2009, Nikola Rakic + First internal release. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------