================================================================================ CyPro version history ================================================================================ + - new feature * - change/update ! - bug fix ? - known issue - - deleted feature -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cybro-3 CPU hardware revisions CyCpu v1.2: 6-pin base, ETH/W5500/SPI1 CyCpu v1.3: 8-pin/COM1 base, ETH/W5500/SPI1, ENO/COM3 CyCpu v1.4: 8-pin/COM1 base, ETH/W5500/SPI1, ENO/COM3 CyCpu v1.5: 8-pin/COM3 base, ETH/W5500/SPI1, RFM/SPI4 CyCpu v1.8: 8-pin/COM3 base, ETH/W5500/SPI1, RFM/SPI4 CyCpu v1.9: 8-pin/COM3 base, ETH/W5500/SPI1, RFM/SPI4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.2.7, 12.12.2024. * Kernel maintenance, kernel/loader timing adjusted to accomodate slow ETH link. ! In case module type is changed, hardware autodetect was giving the old type. * Kernel, DHCP timing adjusted. loader v3.4 (update only by manufacturer) ! Timeouts when kernel was send over ethernet. * Legacy ethernet option changed from 10M in the past to 100M half-duplex now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.2.6, 22.11.2024. ! Loading program from the controller does not work (introduced in 3.2.5). * Online monitor default scroll speed changed from 100ms to 50ms. loader v3.3 (update only by manufacturer) ! Occasional errors in USB communication, UART was running on inaccurate clock. * System clock, CAN sample points and interrupt priority aligned with kernel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.2.5, 27.8.2024. + COM3 now has separate port settings (mode, baudrate, data size). * Serial end-of-message delay changed from 50ms to 20ms, for a faster response. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.2.4, 10.4.2024. + LC-DC2.cym final revision added. + LC-8-IQ.cym added, relay outputs with separate contact terminals. * DaliControl DT8.cyp, fully functional library for controlling DT8 RGB lamps. * Examples, ModbusTcpMaster updated to make it easier to work with. ! Examples, FunctionLibrary, datetime() was calculated wrong in some rare cases. * Keil CMSIS update v5.7.0 to v5.9.0, code refactoring. ! Push status and roundtrip was zero when request is sent from plc program. - TH-3-IQ.cym removed, in TH-X-IQ.cym all variables specific to TH-3 deleted. * Added/revised French, German, Russian and Croatian translations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.2.3, 11.5.2023. * Push function is now entirely within kernel, plc program is no longer needed. + New variables push_req (was push_message_req), push_status and push_roundtrip. Note: this change breaks compatibility if your program uses push based on plc code. To adapt the program, delete code and variables related to push message, and set required push period in the configuration dialog. * User Manual v52, networking chapter remade. * Quick refernce updated to follow new manual. + Examples, DaliConfigurator and DaliControl DT8 added. + Examples, ModbusTcpMaster updated to handle multiple slaves. * Examples, RFM demo.cyp updated to support WR-5 radio relay. - Examples, GSM-1 demo and Zigbee Gateway removed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.2.2c, 10.1.2023. * User Manual v51, minor additions to the mobile app. v3.2.2b, 8.12.2022. * User Manual v50, minor corrections with mobile app actions and icons. * All custom-made modules, cym removed from release and available on request. v3.2.2a, 14.11.2022. * Mobile app, new action added. * Examples, HIQ Commander Demo adjusted for the new action number. * Examples, CybroDashboard now has tags for the mobile application. v3.2.2, 21.10.2022. + CyPro environment can be used now to specify objects for mobile app. + HIQ Commander Demo for new mobile application (HIQ Commander v1.3.0). - Variable cybro_hardware_error, overload flags for universal i/o deleted. + Variable cybro_hardware_error, RFM (radio module) and WIFI flags added. + Dashboard, option flags RFM (radio module) and WIFI added. ! Dashboard, without RFM module SYS test was reporting error (from v3.2.0). ! Dashboard, RTC check wasn't able to detect when clock was not running. ! Variable properties, default value, localized decimal separator was used. ! Kernel, all serial ports, state of TX pin was undefined between transmits. + Examples, Philips Wiz demo added. * Examples, EnOceanGateway, COM2 port is configured to 57600pbs n81. * Installation package, full permissions are given for examples and projects. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.2.0, 26.4.2022. + Free programmable RFM (radio) port, check CyPro User Manual page 38. + Examples: RFM demo, fully functional framework for configuration and control. * Cybro Dashboard, ENO self test obsolete, RFM self test added. * Hardware error flags by kernel: b5 is now RFM, b8 is not used any more. ! Kernel/loader port enumeration mismatch, transition had extended delay. ? COM3 port has no separate settings, it is initialized with COM2 settings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.1.0, 22.10.2021. + Free programmable TCP/IP port, check CyPro User Manual page 39. + Examples: UDP demo, TCP demo, HTTP server, HTTP client, ModbusTcpMaster. + Function ip_to_long(ip3, ip2, ip1, ip0) added to the library. * CybroDashboard, help text updated, 3W description added. * HAL device drivers (SPI, I2C and CAN) updated to the latest version. * LC-D10-IQ.cym updated, RGB mode added. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.8c, 18.6.2021. ! Cybro-3W, new variable rfid_ack, now used to reset received data. + LC-DC2.cym added, new DALI controller with 10 digital inputs. + LC-D10-IQ.cym added, 10-channel DALI dimmer for HIQ system. To use rfid interface, baseboard firmware must be updated to v101. v3.0.8b, 9.11.2020. ! Dashboard ENO led unexpectedly turned off when wireless message is received. v3.0.8a, 5.11.2020. + Dashboard is now able to recognize and test Cybro-3W hardware model. ! Send without init affected non-retentives, causing an additional first_scan. v3.0.8, 23.9.2020. + Support for Cybro-3W model. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.7e, 26.6.2020. + LC-DC.cym changed, 24-bit commands added (firmware v3300 and later). * CyPro User Manual updated to v45. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.7d, 5.3.2020. * Mini scada updated to v1.4.4. * CyPro User Manual updated to v42. + Dashboard, error description added. + COM-DMX.cym added. + DmxConfigurator with mini scada added. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.7c, 31.10.2019. * COM-MB.cym, command/address definition changed, check description for details. * Examples, ModbusRtuMaster: trivial removed, COM-MB added, others updated. + FC-2 added, a few cym files have a minor changes. * CR-W2 cym changed, raw data added. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.7, 5.6.2019. * EnOceanGateway modified to take advantage of a new serial driver. ! EnOceanGateway, miniature soft button description was missing from scada. * OP-8 cym updated, key order is changed to reflect the actual hardware. * CyPro manual updated, example for on request socket had an error. kernel + Serial driver, beg char and continuous receiving are now fully supported. ! CAN bus getting slower over time, with cumulative lag up to a few seconds. ! CAN baudrates 250k and 500k was unusable, hardware error was raised. * CAN sampling point optimized to get longer bus and better noise imunity. ! Pulse train, request was not cleared if the number of pulses is zero. ! Received on-request socket didn't have request visible to plc program. * With a minor clock optimization, execution speed is increased by 4%. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.6b, 30.4.2019. ! EnOceanGateway, learning process was broken for a few modules. * List of IEX modules updated, SC-4-IQ has significant changes. + Examples, DigitalFiltering.cyp added. v3.0.6a, 8.4.2019. + Miniature soft button added to supported EnOcean modules. v3.0.6, 18.3.2019. ! Timer array, writing to et/pt caused "Unknown pcode instruction ST_CNT_LONG_R". ! Pulse timer, output now turns off when counting is finished. * COM-PGM module (free programmable port) added, example is SerialDemo.cyp. * Registry settings changed to /Cybrotech/CyPro3, to separate from CyPro-2. + EnOceanGateway now support both CyBro-3-ENO and Cybro-3 + GW-ENO2. + EnOceanGateway support for new devices, check /Examples for complete list. + Dashboard now support Cybro-3 and Cybro-3H, and has EnOcean indicator. + Example to connect two or more controllers using socket (SocketDemo.cyp). kernel ! When battery is nearly-empty, repetitive reset error sometimes occurred. ! When battery is empty, LSE caused a few unnecessary resets on first boot. * RTC and ADC libraries replaced with a custom code. loader v3.2 (update only by manufacturer) ! When battery is empty, controller went into infinite reset (v3.1 only). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.5, 12.12.2018. + EnOceanGateway with mini scada, limited support for power plugs only. * Ethernet timeout changed from 100ms to 225ms, with one retry. + Push now has a new socket with port hopping, for better remote connection. * New PushDemo with additional retries for a quick reconnection. + Periodic ARP forcing added to fix connection when wifi extender is used. + Kernel maintenance, 10M legacy mode added as workaround for some routers. ! Very rare situation, sending kernel cleared whole retentive memory to zero. + Function crc8() added to function library. + The list of library functions added to manual (Appendix). + Installation now include all files necessary to run examples. * Default directory changed to CyPro-3, in contrast to CyPro-2. loader v3.1 (update only by manufacturer) + New socket with port hopping to send kernel over remote connection. * DHCP renew delayed 5min to keep kernel sending process uninterrupted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.4, 12.11.2018. * Internal release for evaluating wan connection strategy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.3, 12.9.2018. ! Modbus slave in some configurations caused system reset. ! Modbus READ_COILS returned top-aligned, instead of bottom-aligned result. + Modbus dialog hint, coil/register numbers start at 1, address at 0. ! Transition from pause to run caused scan overrun error. ! First boot after a long time (retentive lost) caused scan overrun error. + Repetitive reset, new error when 10+ consecutive resets are encountered. * With no plc program, power-on state is now error, instead of stop. * User manual, Modbus chapter slightly improved, repetitive reset added. + Functions crc16() and crc32() added to library. + Examples, added Modbus RTU master with on-the-fly CRC calculation. * Module GW-ENO2 updated. * CyPro icon slightly modified. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.2, 27.7.2018. ! In some cases, reading EE variables would give a wrong value. * Internal temperature measurement moved from baseboard to CPU board. + Dashboard application added to Examples. + Cybro-3H and GW-ENO2 added. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.1, 14.5.2018. + Program size is now limited only with available memory (896Kb). ! All available structure text functions are now fully functional. ! Hardware autodetect was ignoring Cybro-2 controllers. ! Allocation editor, description field now have a vertical scroll bar. ! EE storage is fully functional now. * Internal coding reverted from null-terminated to pascal strings. + Scan overrun check is enabled now, check manual for changes. + When faulty program cause consecutive resets, it will be stopped. ! Serial init at power on failed, result was default baudrate (19200 8n1). ! Instruction SHR was arithmetic shift, now is logic shift (zero filled). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.0, 12.4.2018. + New ARM compiler for Cybro-3 (Cybro-2 is not supported). + Hardware setup, CPU properties, universal input/output configuration. - Word and counter variables not supported any more, substitute with integer. * Function word() replaced with ulong(), 16-bit unsigned int to 32-bit long. + New functions blong() and breal(), cast long<-->real, bit pattern not changed. + Complete set of com functions: tx_bufwr(), tx_bufrd(), rx_bufrd(), rx_bufwr(). - Variable rtc_read_req does not exist any more, rtc is updated automatically. - Variables socket_0_id and socket_1_id does not exist any more. * Push timing changed from minute/hour to 30s/1min/5min. * Maximum scan time changed from 50ms to 100ms. - Obsolete modules removed from Hardware directory. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.7.6, 12.1.2017. + SC-4T-IO added. * Minimum and maximum added to LD-V4, LD-P4 and LD-D8 dimmers. ! Kernel, serial port, 8n2 setting, stop bit changed from mark to space. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.7.5, 5.10.2016. * HR-2 cym file updated. + OC-1-IQ cym file added. + BC-5 added up/down/stop command. * LD-V4 and LD-P4, new saturation curve. * TH and FC, number of fan limit options reduced. + CyPro user manual, added list of supported Modbus functions. - Examples directory, obsolete files deleted. + FunctionLibrary updated, int to long and long to int added. * User manual updated to v35. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.7.4, 7.4.2016. * SC-4-IQ cym file updated. ! Kernel, Modbus WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILS had a wrong bit order. ! Kernel, on request socket, when soket is received, request bit was not set. + New example, how to use HIQ Commander for custom applications. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.7.3, 14.12.2015. * IQ cym files updated. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.7.2, 8.11.2015. * IQ cym files updated. * Kernel now accept iex status_id messages without checking for card_id. ! Kernel, surplus OnSysRequest initialization solved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.7.1, 8.4.2015. + CAN traffic and bus error monitoring. + Outputs can be configured as retentive (not cleared in stop). * COM-PMI added Iskra/Eastron autodetect. * IQ cym files updated. ! Slot variables lost when Hardware Setup is closed with "x". * Default installation directory changed to \Program Files\Cybrotech\CyPro. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.7.0, 17.3.2014. + Kernel push added. + New IEX modules: LC-10, LC-V4, LC-D8, BC-5, SC-4, TH-1, FC-1. + COM1/COM2 ports now support 7o1 and 8o1 settings. + Kernel protection, it now actively refuse write code broadcast commands. + IEX-2 QX/QW return commands allow device to affect output state. * Removed push option "once per day". ! High modbus variable count caused AV starting CyBro. * New IO map view in hardware edit dialog. + PLC Info, MAC addresses added. + Function library, mathematical functions added. + Online monitor, cut/copy/paste actions added. * German translation updated. ! CR/LF in language file caused repeated lines. ! Online monitor, local static timer variables were not handled correctly. ! Removed CR/LF from variable descriptions in alc/csv files. ! Command-line parameters sometimes resulted in AV (introduced in v2.6.8). ! Modbus device address in a new program was 0 instead of 1. ! In some modules, sys_req IO groups were sent in wrong order. - Data manager removed (it is replaced by CyBroDataTool and CyBroBackup). - COM-PCS communcation adapter for Sanrex PV inverter (replaced with COM-SAN). ? Check COM port and push settings for programs created by older version. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.6.9, 11.9.2012. ! CSV export, EasyBuilder 8000 preset did not include NAD column. + COM-PMI serial adapter for Iskra power meters. * COM-SAT (Satcon), COM-SAN (Sanrex) and COM-KAC (Kaco) modified. * Examples, PushTest.cyp replaced with improved version. - Program options, "push daily" option removed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.6.8, 3.8.2012. + COM1/COM2 ports now support 8e1 and 8n2 settings. * CSV export is now fully customizable with presets included. * IEX specification change, bus_error not included in general_error any more. * SMB description: measurement_status now causes program_error, not bus_error. + GW-ENO module added, receiver for enOcean 868MHz transmitters. + BCM (Broadcast Master) added, virtual module for broadcast messages. + COM-SAT (Satcon), COM-SAN (Sanrex) and COM-KAC (Kaco) inverter adapters. - GSM-1 v3.0 removed, upgrade firmware to v3.2. + Online Monitor, variable selection filter added. + Function library, function bytes_to_float(b3,b2,b1,b0:int):real added. + Function library, functions raw_long(real):long and raw_real(long):real added. ! InverterModbusDemo, conversion byte-to-long was incorrectly implemented. ! Hardware Autodetect, module with card_id=0 caused access violation. ! Double-clicking on an empty HW slot in project tree caused access violation. ! Configuration, modbus device address was sometimes reset to 1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.6.7, 9.3.2012. * Allocation file now contains memory space information. * FC specification changed to support fallback function. * Bio-8R4 fallback configuration variables changed names. * AiR-12 cym file, calibration restore commands added. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.6.6, 26.10.2011. + New example: MpBusDemo. + PLC Info, File System tab added. + Communication response time graph. + Communication monitor, time stamp added. + Online monitor, variable description is now displayed as hint. ! Kernel maintenance, static IP wasn't written to plc (introduced in v2.6.4). ! Serial port kernel update wasn't working (workaround for loader bug). ! Local static array variables wasn't working in online monitor. ! Environment options, save CSV file had no effect until CyPro is restarted. ! Single bit variable was not accepted as expression in elsif instruction. ! Run with large plc program caused timeout, so program was not started. ! Serial port RTC synchronization wasn't reliable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.6.5, 3.8.2011. * SMB cym file updated to version ! Tab captions were missing on Windows 7 64-bit version only. ! Environment options, protection parameters had no effect until OK is pressed. ! Online monitor, editing floating values didn't work with Alt-Enter. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.6.4, 18.4.2011. + A-bus protocol with transaction id support. * Ethernet configured for no ARP retries, to prevent broadcast storming. * IEX_TUNNEL timeout increased from 1s to 5s, to allow remote IEX management. ! Command-line options, autodetecting in hidden mode didn't work. + Baudrate 1200bps added to free programable serial ports. loader v2.6 (update only by manufacturer) + Transaction id on A-bus is now supported. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.6.3, 10.11.2010. * PushDemo renamed to PushTest, and fully rewritten to use with an existing push server (e.g. www.solar-cybro.com). GSM-1 connection is now supported. * AccessControl is grown to a full-featured real-life application, which may be used in real applications without changes. * Removed loading, editing and saving of I/O variable event priorities. ! Direct connection, source port wasn't $FFFF (introduced in v2.6.2). ! Global allocation editor, access violation when clicking below variable groups (Windows 7). ! Online monitor, sometimes "Invalid floating-point operation" was reported on variables of type real. ! Online monitor, global variables were confused with local variables with same name. ! Multisend, access violation when no CyBro was present in the project. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.6.2, 2.10.2010. + Enviroment options button added to toolbar. + New WAN option, common IP, set in configuration dialog. + Extra timeout and extra retry options are now configurable. + Button "Copy session ID" for communication over relay server. + New status bar field, shows communication roundtrip time in milliseconds. + New function get_serial() returns controller serial number. + Added modules Bi-24 and SW-W3, GSM-1 updated to v3.2. ! Vista/Win7 when Alt is pressed all controls dissapeared. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.6.1, 3.8.2010. ! COM2 initialization was not working if beg_char or end_char were used. * Default configuration for both COM1 and COM2 ports is A-bus slave. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.6.0, 14.7.2010. + Both COM1 and COM2 are now free programmable. + New function com_select(port) for selecting COM1 or COM2. + New functions init_var() and init_all(). + New cybro system variable: rtc_read_req. * Compiler speed significantly improved. + Function library, added function to pack date/time in 32-bit msdos format. - Function com_init() is not supported any more. - Serial A-bus network is not supported any more. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.5.8, 5.1.2010. + Added option in csv file export to include NAD in variable name. + Added extra retries option for unreliable connections. ! Local and global variable names were in conflict. ! Unable to add local variables (introduced in v2.5.7). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.5.7, 14.9.2009. + New command line switches, /STOP and /SEND. * Modbus delay limited to 10ms minimum. * I/O descriptions (cym file) corected to be more complete and accurate. * PrintDemo corrected to accound for can bus delay (byte count sending). ! Hardware edit, edit boxes didn't work when low limit was above zero. ! CPU usage was high when locked group in allocation editor was selected. ! Variable description longer than 255 characters was not parsed correctly. ! Function dclr(1) in some configurations produced garbage on display. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.5.6, 25.7.2009. + GsmDemo, short demo application for GSM-1 module. + PrintDemo, short demo application for COM-PRN module. + AccessControlDemo, fuly-functional demo for CR-W2 and AccessControl gadget. + FunctionLibrary, library of standardized and re-usable functions. + ModbusTCP timeout introduced. After 60s of inactivity, connection is closed. + IEX tunnel over A-bus, allows remote module programming and configuring. * Push specification extended with acknowledge, to test server connection. * Push message was sent only in run, now it transmits regardless of plc state. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.5.5, 5.5.2009. ! If project contains two or more programs, wrong alc file is sent to CyBro. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.5.4, 30.4.2009. * IEX modules with unknown card_id are now detected and reported as unknown. ! If total on-change socket size was over 1Kb, sockets was sent erratically. ! Module properties, up/down controls were not working. ! Modbus setup sometimes reported an error "index out of bounds". ! Changing communication settings while and after PC IP address was renewing resulted in access violation. ! In serial mode, ethernet messages were also received. ! Minor bugs in communication routines were corrected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.5.3, 4.3.2009. + When retentive memory failed, bit retentive_fail wasn't set. + New system variable, general_error, logical 'or' of all module errors. + New variable properties, user/system/hidden and read_only/read_write. + CSV file for EasyBuilder, export array elements as individual variables. + Global allocation, new internal group "All variables". + Hardware setup, new function Clear Modules, clears all except CPU. * New help file format, chm instead of hlp, compatible with Windows Vista. * Hardware edit, modules are now sorted by name, not by card_id. * IO variables cannot be deleted anymore and IO address is fixed. * Kernel can now be send even if no gateway or DNS server are specified. ! Buffer overflow occurred when modbus variables were longer than 255 chars. ! Hardware autodetect raised access violation when no kernel was present. ! Security options were not propagated through all programs. ! Direct connection was not working properly, source port is now FFFF. ! Bug with exporting timer structure to csv file, addresses were wrong. ! Kernel: dclr() function now takes correct display width. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.5.2, 28.7.2008. + New multisend tool: send all programs with a single click. + Dynamic socket number, selectable from plc program (first two sockets). * WAN settings are now PLC specific and are defined in Configuration. * Kernel maintenance automatically loads kernel file. * Hardware autodetect now reads hardware model from kernel, not from loader. ! Multilanguage didn't work correctly for Edit menu (introduced in v2.5.0). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.5.1, 12.6.2008. ! Modbus csv file was saved in hexadecimal, instead of decimal format. ! Push address (IP or domain) was lost if port was not excplicitly specified. ! Ethernet sockets killed CyBro with no program. In effect, it wasn't possible to send a new program when other CyBro is sending sockets. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.5.0, 1.6.2008. + Push function. + Modbus RTU slave and Modbus TCP slave. + Pasword protected A-bus access (Ethernet only). + Save csv allocation list for new touch screen displays. + New IEX-2 module: TS-H (temperature sensor with humidity). + New function get_nad() returns current A-bus address (alias or serial). + New functions get_ip()/set_ip() used to set ip address from plc program. + Data manager, automatic set creation for all project variables. * On-line monitor expanded from 28 to 32 variables. * On-line monitor, serial master tool retired. * Redesigned toolbar icons, rearranged main menu commands. * Maintenance password not used any more, com monitor and binary files are now available. * Minor changes in file system specification. * LED blinking modified to distinct stop/run/pause/error states. * Improved memory initialization and program state change handling. ! All reported functional problems solved, most minor bugs also. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.4.8, 29.4.2008. (internal release) ! Kernel, when many iex modules are connected, stop-to-run caused reset. ? Socket should not have an odd number of bit variables. ? Many new controls (e.g. Modbus master) are not functional yet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.4.7, 10.4.2008. (internal release) + Serial modbus RTU slave. ? Socket should not have an odd number of bit variables. ? Many new controls (e.g. Modbus master) are not functional yet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.4.6, 14.3.2008. (internal release) ! On-change socket sometimes fails to detect variable change, possible bug in memcmp(). Function socket_change() rewritten, without memcmp(). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.4.5, 19.1.2008. ! Sending new kernel now initialize plc memory, including retentive. * System variable all_outputs_off renamed to cybro_outputs_off. * System variable all_inputs_off renamed to disconnect_inputs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.4.4, 14.1.2008. ! Kernel, Ethernet hangup solved by timeout/reset. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.4.3, 12.11.2007. * Kernel, Internet connection was not working, because A-bus messages from different subnet was by mistake sended to limited broadcast. * Communication timeout was too short, resulting in communication errors. * Socket receive algo now ignore sockets with different number of bytes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.4.2, 3.10.2007. + Ethernet sockets - multi-master socket protocol is added to former master-slave A-bus specification. Sockets now have id number, and may be transmitted on-request or on-change. + Option to send IEX-2 outputs on-change, giving much faster response. * All IEX-2 modules now default to on-change, instead of former 100ms. + CyBro file system - standard way to store binary files in CyBro flash. File system is not limited to 64K boundary, so full 64K segment is free for PLC program. * Source code is now stored in file system, as 'cyp.zip'. This is not backward compatible, to read formerly stored source use former CyPro. + Allocation file is now stored in CyBro file system as 'alc.zip', which enable other A-bus devices to access plc variables by name. * Number of available IEX-2 slots reduced from 64 to 32. * Improved BlindsDemo, full-featured blinds positioning algorythm. * Maximum allowed scan time increased from 55ms to 60ms. * Internal variable all_inputs_off is now applied to all inputs, including IEX-2 modules, which allows program testing without actual hardware. ! Ethernet controller lock-up if messages are coming from multiple sources. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.4.1, internal release ! Timer array with local index variable produced unexpected results. * Serial on-request socket option no longer supported. + On-line monitor, local static variables are now available for monitoring. ! On-line monitor, edit real value is now working correctly. ! Timer/counter variables were not visible inside masks. ! Kernel, reset sometimes occurred after sending program. ! Kernel, reading code memory sometimes caused reset (when size=0). ! Compiler generated temporary files "hehe.txt" and "hih.txt", fixed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.4.0, 31.7.2007. + Ethernet support. + Hardware identify, full binary ix/qx map accessable with a single click. ! Data Manager, negative integer variables were displayed incorrectly. ! Kernel, switching COM2/HSC mode inside plc program was not working. ! Master was runing very slow, waiting for timeout (introduced in 2.3.5). ? CyBro-CyBro (socket) communication currently has no support on Ethernet. ? Becuse of internal changes, source code is currently not stored in CyBro. ? The first kernel update to 2.4.0 using loader older than 2.4 will show communication error. This is normal, there is no need to send it again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.3.5, 8.6.2007. + New examples: SchrackDemoRoom, OPCGadgetDemo. + CyBro 10s clock. + New feature: all_inputs_off, control for disabling cybro inputs. * Hardware edit: "Default" button added. * On-line monitor: non-bit variable change is now displayed visually. * Hardware setup: module health status added, new module sorting routines, autodetect doesn't clear the list anymore. ! Kernel, empty slot in hardware setup caused IEX bus malfunction. ! Allocation of module variables corrected. ! Compiler bug: non-void functions didn't work correctly if called as void inside if-elsif branch. ? Hardware identify, quick module identification (not yet functional!). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.3.4, 19.1.2007. + Send Online, sending program to PLC without clearing variables. + New command: pause PLC program. + New examples: HousePanelDemo, BlindsDemo, BargraphDemo. * Hardware setup, variable prefix field added. * Maximum number of on_sys_request variables increased from 4 to 8. * CAN controller internal registers not visible any more. * Kernel, sending IEX-2 parameters improved. * Kernel, run->stop transition now force OP to exit current mask. ! Kernel, IEX-2 timeout wasn't working if module was not connected from the begining. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.3.3, 14.11.2006. (internal release) + Mask, bargraph field. + Mask, adjustable step value. + Mask fields can be enabled/disabled. + Mask caption and unit text is now displayed on the panel. + New IEX-2 module: OP-4 (2x20 blue lcd, encoder, IR receiver, light sensor). + New IEX-2 module: O2 (two relay outputs with mains sense inputs). * Kernel, short 25ms delay inserted before each transmitted message, in order to allow slow CyBro to receive all communication messages. Delay is inserted both in slave and master mode. ! Allocation file: timers, counters and words didn't have fields. ! Compiler bug: parser didn't work corectly inside for/while loops. ! Loading default values of IO variables didn't work properly. ! Editor, replace all was not working. ! On-line monitor was not working properly on dual-core processors. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.3.2, 5.7.2006. * Maximum number of sockets increased from 32 to 64. * Time gap in master operation increased from 10ms to 25ms. * SW renamed to SW-L. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.3.1, 10.5.2006. + New network option, sending sockets on request. + New IEX-2 module: SW-W (4 switches on wires, optional inputs). * A-bus: WR_MONITOR command not supported any more. * A-bus: RD/WR_RANDOM commands and on-line monitor are now independent. ! Loading variables and variable groups was not working properly. ! Online monitor freezing while setting/toggling multiple variables. ! Range select for array variables freezes (Win2k, introduced in v2.3.0). ! Manual mode setting (air00_set_req) for AiR/AiV/AiC wasn't working. ! PLC error code was not displayed properly (introduced in v2.3.0). ! Load from PLC was not working. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.3.0, 3.3.2006. + New IEX-2 module: OP-3 (2x20 panel, keys, temperature, humidity). * AiR-12 v2 support, 3-wire measurement. * Timeout of IEX-2 modules increased from 1 to 2.5 seconds. ! Local variables, cut and paste actions were not working properly. ! Load form PLC was not working. ! Function helper was hiding cursor if canceled. ! Com2, function rx_strpos() wasn't working past the buffer position 105. ! Compiler, SHL instruction was compiled with wrong priority. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.2.2, 8.12.2005. (internal release) + Online monitor, number of monitor varsets is no longer limited, now varsets may be added and deleted. + New examples: DALISimpleDemo, DALIColorCycleDemo, Com2WeightDemo, IpuDemo. + Data manager, actions for handling data sets and variables are now keyboard enabled. + Online monitor/Data manager: - set/toggle multiple variables at once - select all variables - copy online monitor variables to Data manager - history scroll speed is now shown in milliseconds - history is drawn in corrensponding variable color - each variable change is visible on history, regardless of scroll speed ! Function hsc_status() returned false true if com2 was initialized. ! IEX parameters weren't sent to all IEX modules after power-on. ! Changing retentive properties didn't cause automatic program send. ! Editor, find previous was not working. ! Compiler, it was possible to declare global and local variable with the same name. ! Online monitor, changing variable color raised access violation. ! Statement before else without semicolon was ignored by compiler. ! Enviroment options/Language/Extract english.lng was not working. ! While sending a large program, RTC was not synchronized to PC clock. ! Editor, function completion, pressing Enter sometimes caused error. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.2.0, 28.5.2005. + COM2 A-bus support (see manual). + Data manager - read/write PLC variables (see manual). + New CyPro commands: master start and master stop. + Automatic com port takeover between CyPro and CyBro OPC. + New A-bus commands: RD_RANDOM and WR_RANDOM. ! Allocation file, words, arrays and timers was not properly addressed. ! Underscore was missing in i/o variable names. ! Rx and Tx leds weren't flashing (WinXP, introduced in v2.1.1). ! Examples, ComDemo.cyp had a bug in creation of transmit message. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.1.4, 30.3.2005. + Find/Replace feature, supported searching/replacing among multiple modules within the project, or open windows. ! File I/O bug corrected. ! Variable monitor, displaying big positive or negative real variables was not working properly (bug introduced in 2.1.0). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.1.3, 10.3.2005. ! Command-line parameters, saving allocation file wasn't working properly in all cases. ! Communication monitor, communication was wasting too much of processor time (bug introduced in V2.1.2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.1.2, 25.2.2005. ! Program exit, error message displayed upon closing CyPro in Win98 is now fixed. ! Command-line parameters, reporting command-line in log file wasn't working properly. ! PLC info dialog box, some labels on PLC program tab were mixed up. * Command-line parameters, new error message added for /NAD command. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.1.1, 22.2.2005. * Help and manual entries concerning function dprnc() corrected. * Hidden mode does not maintain language file (faster operation). ! Help/About, alias names for web and e-mail was not working. ! Command-line parameters, path containing spaces wasn't handled properly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.1.0, 17.2.2005. + Command line options (cypro.exe /OPEN myfile.cyp /START). + EE write security improved (using ee_write_magic). + New command (ee_read_req), used to read EE variables. + New demo program added to examples directory: EEReadWriteDemo. + New IEX-2 module: IPU (inverter programming unit). * Cypro User Manual v210, EE variables and command line options. * PLC info dialog box redesigned. * Some demo programs updated a bit. * Project tree, open file: double click is replaced by single click. ! Bug in allocation, timers didn't work in some situations. ! Kernel: Writing/reading EEPROM variables was not working properly. ! Kernel: HSC zero input was not working properly. ! Kernel: CyBro with NAD alias was not able to be a network master. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.9, 22.11.2004. ! Kernel maintenance, sending kernel to multiple devices (in network environment) was not working properly (bug introduced in v2.0.8). + Local analog I/O refresh time adjustable 10, 100 or 1000ms. + Kernel: transmit delay of 1ms added to each A-bus message, avoiding bus colisions using slow 232/485 converters. + New demo program added to examples directory: TimerArray. + New data types available: timer array and counter array. * Default A-bus timeout increased from 100 to 250ms. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.8, 6.10.2004. + NAD alias: optional second communication address. + New Help menu entries: Quick Reference and User Manual. * CyPro User Manual updated (v207) and included in CyPro setup. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.7, 13.08.2004. * Allocation list extended to comply multi-program capabilities. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.6, 15.07.2004. + Kernel: network master completely rewritten, slave is now allowed to temporary take control and send it's own A-bus command. + Allocation list creation (Tools/Options/Save allocation list). + SW (switch module) added. * Analog inputs iw2 and iw3 exchanged (CyBro Manual 0.8 and later). ! Retentive variables functional again (bug introduced in 2.0.5). ! Kernel: scan overrun caused system reset. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.5, 16.03.2004. * COM2 communication buffer increased to 1024+1024 bytes (rx+tx). ! Kernel: recover of can bus error is now properly handled. ! Kernel: bug with can transmit solved (transmiting to busy bus). ! Kernel: local analog inputs/outputs are now working corectly. ! Problem with saving snapshots fixed. ! Problem with variable limits in masks solved. ! Invalid floating point multiply/division fixed. ! Real constant with negative exponent now correctly recognized. ! Invalid I/O variable appereance on the Allocation form fixed. ! Invalid "About box" appereance on different screen resolutions fixed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.4, 02.10.2003. ! Counters and timers are now initialized corectly. ! Some example files corected, some obsolete examples excluded. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.2, 29.09.2003. ! RTC didn't work corectly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.1, 15.09.2003. + First official v2 release. + All CyBro-2 features supported. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.0 beta 8, 12.08.2003. + most new CyBro-2 options functional. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.0 beta 7, 11.07.2003. ! Allocation, Variable properties, invalid type shown. ! Invalid project code when loaded from *.cyp file fixed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.0 beta 6, 18.06.2003. + Multilanguage support added. + Project printing is now functional. + Status bar hints. + Status bar pop-up menus (PLC State and Cable Status). * Cable status icon now has separate icon for "port not available" state. ! Synchronize with PLC problem solved. ! Invalid I/O range addresses when autodetecting hardware fixed. ! Some minor bugs related to visual appearance solved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.0 beta 5, 30.05.2003. + Support for USB-to-serial converters added. ! Local variable retentive property is now displayed properly. ! "Flipping" 4-byte variables in sockets fixed. ! Invalid compilation of the rotate and shift operations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.0 beta 4, 07.02.2003. + Shortcut for selecting NAD (Ctrl-L) added. + Command for connecting/disconnecting serial port (Ctrl-D) added. * Default Kernel Maintenance path changed to CyPro install directory. ! Some minor bugs related to visual appearance solved. ! Writing to RTC registers solved. ! Improper initialization of retentive timers solved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.0 beta 3, 22.01.2003. ! Writing to timer preset field solved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.0 beta 2, 16.10.2002. + Communication handshaking configuration: None, RTS/CTS. + Move Up and Move Down buttons in Monitor Master List dialog. ! Access violation caused by invalid communication messages. ! Few communication issues. ! Timer/counter multiselect enabled when inserting variables in monitor. ! Function hsc_set_action was incorrectly executed causing ActionVar not set. ! Automatic variable deallocation when CPU/Module changed. ! Windows XP compatibility issues. * Entering empty NAD is assumed as 0. * Hardware autodetection stops when first empty slot detected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.0 beta, 29.09.2002. * CyBro-2 support. * 4M flash (29F040). * Internal release. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------